Update 2011 Juni

Het is vandaag precies een jaar geleden dat ik vanuit Haiti weer terug kwam in het altijd mooie Brussel.

Denkende aan alle indrukken die ik heb opgedaan en verhalen die ik gehoord heb en drama's die ik gezien heb, bedacht ik me dat ik zo nu en dan een update krijg vanuit Gain Germany over de situatie van 1 van de projecten. Daarom vond ik het wel passend om jullie een jaar later te laten weten dat er nog steeds hard gewerkt word in Haiti om mensen een beter bestaan te geven.

Het project waar ik veel over geschreven heb, is het weeshuis in Ca-Ira in Leogane. Dit weeshuis is nagenoeg met de grond gelijk gemaakt tijdens de aardbeving en hier is, door vooral Gain Germany en Gain Canada, hard gewerkt om het weeshuis weer op te bouwen. Hieronder vinden jullie de updatevan Juni, waarin je kunt lezen waar men op dit moment mee bezig is.

Ondanks dat de wederopbouw in Haiti nog steeds niet goed van de grond komt, is het juist zo belangrijk dat projecten als deze doorgang vinden en dat er op projectbasis echt goede dingen gedaan worden.

Een jaar later wil ik jullienogmaals danken voor alle steun in welke vorm dan ook en wil je meer info dan kan altijd even een kijkje nemen op www.gain-germany.org of www.gainhelpt.nu.



Global Aid Network (GAiN) e.V.

Haiti Update - June 2011

Ca-Ira Children ?s village:


The first steps are finally taken to start with the construction of the dormitories and a new staff house. During our last field trip from May 5th to 10th a team of 9 people went to Ca-Ira. Some of the group wanted to get to see the place in Ca-Ira and others started with the measurement of the place for the construction. Art Rawding, one of the members of the group also stayed in Ca-Ira for two month to start with the construction. Besides Art who will come back to Ca-Ira frequently in the future we employed a local worker everyone calls „Kiki“. He is a great worker and help to Art. Together they are in charge of the constructions going on in Ca-Ira.

Construction Plan for the reestablishment of the Children's Village:

Edgar Zeiss, Architect from GAiN Germany is continuing to draw the detailed construction plans for Phase 3 of the reestablishment. By now he works together with Robert Gostner, an Austrian engineer who joined the team on the field trip in May and is volunteering to help. After consulting many people we have made some changes to the original plans for the reconstruction. Theses changes refer mainly to the toilet and washroom facilities. Along with this update you will receive the new plan. If you have any questions about it, please let us know.


By now the Backhoe-Loader arrived in Ca-Ira and Art and Marcos are working with it. Besides the Ford Ranger pickup-truck we have now also purchased a motorbike Dayun DY 125 and a KIA K2700 for the work on the ground. This way we will have the capacity to move quite a few people as well as materials. All vehicles may be used for the teams as well so we would not spent money on rentals. However the use certainly needs to be coordinated with the staff on the ground. Again we would like to thank GAiN Canada and the Share Life Foundation for the financial support that enabled us to purchase these vehicles.

Water supply:

As the water quality as well as the quantity of the water in the two existing wells is by far not good enough to supply all people with water, we have purchased a water tank and are regularly ordering a tank truck and buying drinking water to ensure that all children and adults will get enough clean water to drink. However as this can only be a temporary solution we are currently in the process of drilling a water well to ensure that enough water will be available in the future. However to make sure that the water will be clean and without any health risk we plan to install a water filtration system. We have made contacts with an Canadian Organization that is planning to help us with it.

Energy supply:

As there is always a lack of energy and running the generator to produce energy is a costly matter, we have purchased a 10 KWH Solar System. We are now in the process of getting the System to our warehouse and ready for shipping it to Haiti. The idea is to start with the 10 KWH System and extend it in future as needed. As a means to fund the system we would like to ask all teams that are staying at Ca-Ira to contribute 1.200 USD per Team (or in case of smaller teams, at least 100 USD per Person) to replenish the solar system. Since the solar System will enable the teams to have energy during there stay without having to pay for the Diesel to run the generator it will safe money. Instead of spending the money on the Diesel we would like to ask the teams to contribute to the solar system. This way we are able to enlarge the System over the years and provide a free and clean source of energy for the orphanage.

GAiN staff for the Ca-Ira Children ?s Village:


Bärbel from Germany who stayed on the ground for three month will stay involved with the project by coordinating the volunteers who want to go to Ca-Ira. If you have any teams or individuals that would like to go to Ca-Ira please contact/inform Bärbel: baerbel.steffen@gain-germany.org


Claudia is a young german architect who will go to Ca-Ira from July to September.

Linda and Waldemar are still raising support. We plan to send them to Haiti in the beginning of August.

Family E: Family P:

Katharina and Boris are now starting the application process to become GAin staff. IF everything goes well and they will be able to raise enough support they might move to Haiti in summer 2012.


Art went with the team to Ca-Ira at May 5th and will stay until June 30th to lead the construction work on the ground. After that he will go back to Latvia for two month and then come back to Haiti for another two month of work.


Marcos from Spain will be staying long term in Haiti. His key responsibilities are to take care of all equipment and tools. He is also the responsible one of the Backhoe Loader.

Container Shipments:

GAiN Germany is currently preparing two Container shipments with baby food, the solar system, paint, construction materials, etc. The Containers will be received by NVM. Some of the materials will be used by NVM and some of the materials will go to Ca-Ira.

Upcoming field trips:

Scheduled field trips:

GAiN Germany: - end of June, - mid August, - beginning/mid September

Scheduled teams:

2011: -

GAiN Canada: July 1 - July 10 -

CCC Germany: July 30- August 14 -

GAiN Holland: Sept. 1 - Sept. 22 -

GAiN Holland: Nov. 11 - Nov. 26 -

GAiN Spain: Dec. 27 - Jan. 5

2012 -

GAiN Canada: Feb. 24 - March 3 -

GAiN Canada: March 2 - Feb. 11 -

GAiN Canada: July 6 - July 15 -

GAiN Canada: July 13 - July 22 -




He Dennis,
bedankt voor de update! Altijd fijn om te weten hoe iets verdergaat. De nood is nog steeds hoog zo te lezen. Wat een zware taak rust er op de schouders van alle hulpverleners, maar vooral van de mensen die daar wonen. Goed dat je bent geweest!

Wim Fleskens

Dennis, ik was in mei in Haiti. Ik zag als econoom toch ook positieve dingen.
Honderden kilometers geasfalteerde weg die zijn gerealiseerd tussen augustus 2010 en mei 2011. Deden hoofdzakelijk de Italianen.
De handel op straat, was van een beter niveau, je ziet weer meubelmakers, metaalbewerkers van fijnere materialen.
Veel nieuwe en betere hutten in de kampen, 2,5 x 2,5 maar wel goed en geisoleerd. MET sanitair. Voor 3 jaar bedoeld, zullen er wel veel meer worden.
Ik was niet meer in Leogane, had dat wel gewild. Echter mijn lopende projecten voor de Boeren coöperatie kregen ineens een extra puss in die week. Helaas overleed de directeur van COSADH, Déyès de la Cruz twee dagen na mijn vertrek. Met veel vertraging, nu hard werken aan een doorstart.
Aan de Nederlandse organisaties heb je helemaal niets als het ook maar aan de rand of verder ligt van het aardbevingsgebied van toen. Ze hebben het drukker met het geld in huis te houden dan met ontwikkeling op structurele basis. Ik doe leuke dingen nu met FONCOZE.
Heb ik jou mijn laatste nieuwsbrieven gestuurd ? Kijk anders op www.sansbornes.nl
Mocht jij weer die kant opgaan, laat mij dat weten.
Met een vriendelijke groet.

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